
Friday, December 30, 2011


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Here are just a few pictures I took over the past couple weeks of our Christmas.  We spent time with family, and friends,  and spent a fun evening at the Magic Kingdom where we enjoyed rides, food and laughs.  Christmas Eve was spent at home having a lovely dinner and presents, and Christmas Day was spent with my husbands family.  I hope you had a very Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I've been MIA since Thanksgiving because I've been so dare busy getting ready for Christmas.  Wow, did I really say that?  "Getting ready for Christmas".  Christmas isn't for three more weeks, but yet there is always so much to do.  Shopping, buying the Christmas tree, decorating, card making, baking, and more.  Today we got all our outside lights and decorations on the house, and tomorrow I plan to start unpacking the inside decorations.  Here are some fun signs of the season.